Thursday, March 26, 2015

Self- Vector

Actual Picture
Vector of Me


  1. Nice vector.
    Some notes: When making vectors, appeal comes when you add details from the original image (like a single shadow color tone, and a highlight - in addition to the local color). This picture is an interesting self-portrait; however, for every vector assignment you have been instructed to turn off the photo layer, and there are multiple reasons for this instruction.
    Please remove this picture from your blog, keep the vector, and email your Adobe Illustrator file, for credit.
    Thank you,
    Mr. Webb

  2. I can see that you doing a self vector portrait and it kind of looks like you. From my perspective, it does seems like all tasks were complete, but like he said before, dont attach the orginal photo, the better work you do, then they would see that its you in the drawing and the orginal image wouldnt be necessary. Im not tryning to say my work is better, but i did more details with my vector, so you can kind of understand that its me, overrall good work
