Thursday, May 21, 2015

TASK 1 - Google Doodle Emily Noether []

Read the Google Doodle article about Emily Noether's accomplishments on her 133rd birthday, and write one paragraph describing a challenge that you've had to face in order to achieve a goal.  Compare a specific instance in your life to a difficulty Noether must have been confronted with, and argue why you will also succeed in your pursuits.

A challenge that I've faced in order to achieve a goal was my laziness. I needed to pass all classes with a C or higher and the only thing that was in my way was my laziness. I didn't need help in none of the classes and they all came across super very easy. So the only obstacle that I faced was me. I stood in the way of what I had to do. All I had to do was do the work, but I always put it off to do the next day and never did it. The only thing that i can relate to Emily Noether was that the obstacles in our lives was someone putting a restriction on our goals. 

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